Friday, December 4, 2009

Misprunciations That Vix Us 2.0

This subject was covered in a previous blog, but with so many new words being mispronounced I have to post “Misprunciations That Vix Us 2.0”

Masonairy – Submitted via e-mail from a reader, this person is in the construction business and has to listen to people constantly refer to masonry (the craft or occupation of a mason, work constructed by a mason, esp. stonework: the crumbling masonry of ancient walls.) as masonairy. This isn’t fluffed up masonry, or even puffy looking masonry. It’s not a new construction technique whereby air is injected into the masonry thereby making it less stable. This is a common problem with humans. We hear a word like masonry, but somehow the connection from the eardrum to the brain, or perhaps the brain itself, just doesn’t quite function correctly, and we don’t hear something correctly and from thence on mispronounce it, even when we hear it correctly pronounced over and over by others. It’s amazing how the ear or brain can keep malfunctioning over and over. Users of masonairy have all the symptoms of the disease known as Suffixitis.

Revelant (Relevant): I’m reveling in the fact that coworker just used this today because it’s relevant to this blog. It is not however revelant to this blog because revelant is not a word, except to one of my coworkers. I can only shake my head on this one, could it be they suffer from ulsdexia (dyslexia)?

Pronunciation [rel-uh-vuhnt] –adjective - Bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand; pertinent: a relevant remark - Origin: 1550–60; < class="ital-inline">relevant- (s. of relevāns), special use of L, prp. of relevāre to raise, lift up.

Irregardlessly (Regardless): I think you can only pray for people who use this word. Irregardless is bad enough, but irregardlessly? Why not irregardlesslyness? On the other hand, if you can get some points using this during Scrabble, then you might get a “well played” from me, unless you’re playing with people from a concussion support group (“Hi my name is……..*looks down at name tag* Bill! – Group: “Hiiiiii ……..*group squints to see name on tag*..Bill!”), yeah that group.

Reckuhnize (Recognize): Please reckuhnize there is a hard G in this word and pronounce it, please, the word is reck-cog-nize, not reck-uh-nize. I do reckuhnize that this could be the bastard child of the phrase generally associated with the southeastern United Stated “I reckon”.

Innividual (Individual): I have no problem with you being your own person, unique, distinct; but this doesn’t give you the right to ignore the letter D in this word. Besides, innividual sounds just a little, well, inbred. Like you squeezed two words together that just shouldn’t be, like cousins.

Bohemoth (Behemoth): I have a friend who’s got a real problem with this word. He understands that it starts with a soft buh followed by heemuth, he just doesn’t agree with it. To him it should be pronounced BO-heemuth, partly because it’s describing any creature or thing of monstrous size or power and therefore I guess deserves a strong BOH at the beginning, whatever, blog worthy.

Eltz, Eltzwhere (Else, Elsewhere): Warning, once you are aware of this debauchery it may haunt you. Like some noxious fad that irks you whenever you see it (UGG boots come to mind) this word will do the same in its many incarnations like auditory nails on the chalkboard. There is no t in this word, there is no z in this word, it’s basically a L sound followed by a S sound, Ellllssssss. No T, no Z. And when you confound this egregious disrespect for the English language by saying eltzwhere? Well, then you might find yourself reading about yourself on a blog when someone sends you a link....yeah you, reader, they’re talking about you.

Superseeded – Now I admit, superseeded may have plenty of applicable uses, perhaps as two words or hyphenated. If you are however referring, say in an official document, to the fact that some of your work is superseded by some other work, and you type in superseeded, then I might have to object, and make obtuse references to agriculture or fertility to make fun of you. Contributed by S.H.

Siddown – Like cojoined twins, these words need an operation. Sit and down should not be conjugated siddown. If you have a dog named Sid and need to tell it “down” then saying “siddown!” may be acceptable, otherwise, not so much.

PreDaytor/Accoomulate/Rellowcate – In an apparent attempt to change common pronunciations of the English language a co-worker has taken some very common words and just butchered them. This isn’t British English, Old-English, some attempt at modernization, or even some attempt at “renewance” (coming soon in Wurds That Just R’unt 2.0), it’s just plain manglage. In referring to the movie Predator (with Arnold) the person said “just like in the movie preee-daytor”. It took his fellow co-workers about 5 minutes to determine what movie he was “act tuh lee” talking about (yep, same person). He’s also been known to describe items as “acoomoolating” (accumulate) and/or of having to “rellowcate” (relocate) items. I will not stand for it! Well, okay, I’ll stand for it, but I’ll also blog about it.

Coming Soon!: Wurds That Just R-unt 2.0

If you enjoy words as much as I do, or somewhat less, you'll be sure to enjoy "The Superior Persons Book of Words, Volumes I, II, and III", by Peter Bowler. Small easy to read books made up of funny words with even funnier anecdotes about their usage, much like this blog, I hope. I own the set myself.

Friday, November 20, 2009

All-Timers Gave Me An Outer Body Experience

All-timers Disease – This is a disease that you have all-the-time that causes you to mispronounce words like nuclear, Alzheimer’s, and interesting. This shouldn’t be confused with Alzheimer’s the disease, which is very serious and affects millions. Unfortunately All-timers affects millions too. Contributed by G.K.

Outer Body Experience – This is really cool, it’s like having an out of body experience on the outside of your body! See, an out of body experience is when you feel like your consciousness is outside your body, and an outer body experience is when you feel like your body is outside your body! Amazing! Someone at the office used this term. Contributed by S.H.

Versa Visuh – Vice Versa or vis-à-vis are common terms meaning with the order changed-with the relations reversed. Switching the order of these words and saying Versa Visuh (pronounced Versa Vice-uh) has no meaning whatsoever and who wants their words to mean nothing? By the way, if you are one of those people saying vice versa backwards and wrong as Versa Visuh to be cute? Stop it, stop it right now, just stop.

Main Entry: vice ver·sa, Function: adverb, Etymology: Latin, Date: 1601 : with the order changed : with the relations reversed : conversely

Anywayz – This word is just like irregardless. Some people are just uncomfortable with regardless and anyway, they feel there is something lacking, some hidden meaning not expressed with the word as-is, so they add “irre” and “z” to perfectly normal functioning words. And then one day they find this blog, and they’re confused, and they look the words up, and they conjure up memories across their entire lives and realize they’ve said irregardless and anywayz perhaps millions of times, and they pause, they reflect, and there is loss.

Over Indulge – I’m a big fan of indulging, sometimes I over eat, and yes, I suppose it is possible to over indulge. See the problem lies in the fact that the definition of indulge, by definition, means that you’re overdoing it, you’ve gone too far, you just kept going when you were satisfied, maybe you just kept going and going, like this sentence. See, I could have said a lot less and expressed myself just as well, just like you could have used indulge, instead of over indulge, but you didn’t. You took too much and you used too many words to describe it, just like this explanation of over indulge.

Coming soon: Mispronunciations That Vix Us 2.0 and Words That Just R'unt 2.0

I'd also like to point out some great sources for words and the English language:

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm trying to make a mute point

I’m trying to make a mute point – A mute point (argument, hypothesis, etc.), as opposed to a moot point (obsolete), is a point made in complete silence, and of course doesn’t actually exist. “What? Are you trying to convey something? Why are you staring at me intently but not speaking?” See also – a moo point, a cow’s opinion, it doesn’t matter, its moo. – Contributed by S.H., K.T., and Joey from friends.

Echo-System – When a person does not know how to pronounce ecosystem (ee-ko-system) they refer of course to the spelunkers dream, the echo-system. A series of caverns, caves, or otherwise creeeeeepy passageways that when spoken into return your voice to you at the same volume in perpetuity for up to one minute. I of course made this up, made this up, made this up.....

Receptioner – There is a woman at my work, she gives the receptionist breaks, and when there is someone waiting at the front desk, or a package has arrived, she will get on the PA system as say something like “Will Dauber, please come to the receptioner desk, Will, please come to the receptionist desk.” She will actually use receptioner and receptionist in the same announcement. If she was consistent we could deal with it. I did determine that receptioner means reception in Danish, as in to have a reception, with food stuff and such. Perhaps she’s Danish? Its possible, but the prevailing theory is that she thinks that a receptionist in action is a receptioner and we wouldn’t surprised if out of the office she tells people, utilizing a French accent of course, that she’s a ree-cept-shuhnair! – Contributed by K.T.

A Good Number? A good number of people were held at gunpoint and robbed in downtown Baden-Baden, Germany today but were released unharmed. A good number of people and livestock were killed today when a tornado set down in central Arkansas. A good number of people were stricken with the Ebola virus yesterday when frolicking with a Zebra. So, assuming that the Ebola virus, being robbed, and death are all bad things, is there any "good number" that would be appropriate here other than zero? But is zero even a number or just the absence of a number? Can you have positive negative? A "good" negative? What does this even mean? Besides laziness, of course. – Contributed by P.B.

“Cause I will be in Fresno on business” – Because is a word, cuz is its shortened version traveling on the shortbus to language school (see also, fer, whull, and wur in previous posts), and cause is “a reason for an action or condition”. You can not use cause and because interchangeably as my boss once did in an e-mail when he was going to be traveling to Fresno.

Nuther – That’s a whole nuther matter altogether. STOP! Nuther is not a word. Another is a word, but another would not work in that sentence, for example: That’s a whole another matter altogether. You can use other, or additional, but you cannot use nuther, a shortened version of another, being used where the real word doesn’t even work!

Metropolitan/Cosmopolitan Ice cream – Ever heard of these? No? Neither have I. Well actually someone did comment on metropolitan ice cream today, and well, here we are. Neopolitan ice cream I’ve not only heard of I’ve actually had it. Metropolitan ice cream could be ice cream made and/or sold in a city. Cosmopolitan ice cream on the other hand might be sophisticated with worldwide appeal. So what if you’re having very refined neopolitan ice cream in a large city? Cosneometlitan?

Travasse ye maties! – You can traverse a crevasse but you can’t travasse a crevasse, or anything else for that matter. When I heard this term the first time I couldn’t help but think of the pirate term “Avast Ye!” from the Dutch term for 'hold fast' and means "Stop and pay attention.", like, "Get a load of this." I suppose this could be developed into a new term meaning come over, come over here, come across. Its quite fun actually, try it, next time you are requesting a group of your friends to join you cry out, “Travasse ye maties!”.

The Communistic Trifecta – The other day a woman at my work entered into the pantheon of this blog with a single sentence during which she improperly used supposably, referenced the fictional book in the Bible called Revelations, and to seal the deal, invented a new word, communistic. It’s a little difficult to explain this out of context, but, in talking about the economy, and how China owns two trillion dollars of foreign currency (mostly U.S. dollars), she said something to the affect of “supposably in the book of Revelations there is the mention of communistic influence”. I immediately asked to be transferred to any office or cubicle that was anywhere near hers that I may more aptly and more often record such priceless gemlets of language manglage. – Contributed by S.H.

Currently compiling entries for the next blog including:

Over Indulge







and more!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Supposably there was this episode of Friends

Supposably there was this episode of Friends all about supposably vs. supposedly. Thanks to Keith Rand for reminding me about this one. This is right up there with irregardless and acrost.

What you say? Acrost? New words are here!

Supposably - "Alex, I'll take "Wurds that just r-unt" for $200". Now why take a perfectly normal word, and word that means simply presumed to be true or real without conclusive evidence, and change it from supposedly to supposably. Would you change probably to probebly or probedly? I think "prolly" not (see earlier post). Maybe you think you're "able" to do whatever you want with the English language so you can just tack "ably" on to whatever words might sound mellifluous? After a second look, it turns out that supposably actually IS a word, a real one, weird huh. It just can't be used instead of supposedly, which is precisely what most people do, so on the list it stays!

"uh-crah-st' - You can go "across" the street for lunch. You can "cross" the road. You can go to and watch "Lost", which will "cost" you nothing. You cannot however, go "acrost" anywhere. Why some persons have begun adding a "T" where none belongs or has ever occurred is beyond me, but there it is, right at the end of across, a "T", so sad.

Irrecyclable - A friend of mine tried to say that Jews and Gentiles were once "irreconcilable". Unbeknownst to him his brain was using 20% post consumer product and it came out irrecyclable. Like, the Jews and Gentiles can't recycle together? He stopped himself and said "that's not right" but being unable to grasp the right word, soldiered on without using irreconcilable. Oh how I would like to go back in time and cry out "Its not right! The Jews and Gentiles CAN recycle together! One bottle at a time!".

Revelations - Book 67 in the Bible, also known as Revelations. Revelation is the last book in the Bible (number 66). There is no book after this, no smaller version of Revelation. For some reason, persons not listed here, like to refer to this mystery work, often in a sentence such as "So I was reading in Revelations the other day and.....". You can have a revelation, you can even have revelations, but you have not and never will read from a book in the Bible called "Revelations".

Struck Out To Me - At what point in human society did striking out and things that stick out become struck out I'll never know. Apparently people are putting struck out and stuck out together and coming up with "struck out to me", like having an epiphany, but without say, using a correct word like epiphany to describe it. Example - "This point in the book really struck out to me." At which point I like to grab an imaginary bat and begin swinging away making swishing noises.

Buhdellium - Bdellium (dĕl'ē-əm) (Hebrew bedolach) is an aromatic gum like myrrh that is exuded from a tree. THE "B" IS SILENT PEOPLE, SILENT! There is no "buh" in Bdellium, its just dellium! See also, Salvuh (Salve with a giant "uh" at the end) in an earlier post.

Wroughted - wrought, past and past participle of work, \ˈrȯt\ - It's past tense, you can't just add "ed" willy nilly wherever you like because you don't "unnerstan" (see previous post) the tense of a word. There is no wroughted, there is no wroughted iron, you can't have wroughted some work.
1. Archaic except in some senses. a pt. and pp. of work.
2. worked.
3. elaborated; embellished.
4. not rough or crude.
5. produced or shaped by beating with a hammer, as iron or silver articles.

Gotten - This has always seemed odd to me. I've gotten a blog vs. I've got a blog. I'll not delve into this myself as this site does a good job for me - Note "AmE" and "BrE" are short for American English and British English -

Towards - This last one is not something that is not mispronounced but bugs me anyways, call me a word snob, I can take it. The word "towards". I hear everyone pronounce this as (tôrdz, tōrdz, tə-wôrdz'). Which is correct, but it just sounds soo wrong! I mean, its really "to" plus "wards", right? So shouldn't it be "too-wards"? But its not, its just tordz, which doesn't even sound like a real word, it sounds like a mispronounced word, try it, do it, say it out loud, loudly, TORDZ. Yeah right, its a word, uh huh, sure. Now turn your back TORDZ me.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mispronunciations That Vix Us

Warning, I use a lot of unnecessary quotations in this post for "sole" purpose of increasing your level of comprehension of mispronounced words. I in no way, shape, or form condone rampant quotation "marks", anywhere.

Interesting – sometimes referred to as “innersting”, and often “inneresting” pronounced “inner-es-sting” but sadly, not like it is supposed to be “inter-es-sting”.

Understand – Unfortunately, some people don’t… to speak that is. Due to pure laziness, persons to remain unnamed choose to leave out important syllables and pronounce this words “unnerstand”. If you want to get you’re redneck on, try leaving off the last letter, as some are prone to, and just say “I just don’t unnerstan.” This could get really confusing if you were for instance, trying to describe something that was under a guy named Stan. “I just don’t unnerstan what’s under Stan?”. For emphasis, tack a long drawn out “shoot” on the end, pronounced “shoouit”.

Actually – sometimes mispronounced as “act tuh lee” instead of “actchoolee”, generally attributed to non-native English speakers.

Insidious – sometimes mispronounced like “deciduous” instead of “in-sid-dee-us”. While we can see where such a mistake would be made, we cannot condone the use of words one does not know the correct pronunciation of. Pronunciation: in-'si-dE-&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin insidiosus, from insidiae ambush, from insidEre to sit in, sit on, from in- + sedEre to sit -- more at SIT
1 a : awaiting a chance to entrap : TREACHEROUS b : harmful but enticing : SEDUCTIVE
2 a : having a gradual and cumulative effect : SUBTLE b of a disease : developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparent

Soften – correct pronunciation is “soffen”. Most annoyingly, some persons insert a hard “T” to make it “soft-Ten”, with two “t’s”, grrrrrrrr.

Salve – Pronounced “sav” with a silent “L” most people sadly hold onto the “L” and pronounce this word “salve-uh”. Pronunciation: 'sav, 'säv, 'salv, 'sälv
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sealf; akin to Old High German salba salve, Greek olpE oil flask
1 : an unctuous adhesive substance for application to wounds or sores
2 : a remedial or soothing influence or agency

Degradation – Sometimes mispronounced “degration”, as in, “there’s a degration of the English language going on and nobody notices”.

Comfterble (cum-fer-tble)
Usage: Jeans that were comfterble before Thanksgiving are not quite so comfterble afterwards. Sweat pants are the comfterble choice for apres-Thanksgiving raiment.

Tangentally (tang-gent-tallee) – Tangentially is a word, meaning closely related; tangentally is just wrong. Pronunciation: tan-'jen(t)-sh&l
Function: adjective
1 : of, relating to, or of the nature of a tangent
2 : acting along or lying in a tangent

Anointment – “Anointing” plus “Ointment” does apparently make “anointment”. Previously thought to be a conjunction of two words making a new but not real third word, research has revealed that anointment is indeed a word:

Pronunciation: &-'noint
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French enoint, past participle of enoindre, from Latin inunguere, from in- + unguere to smear -- more at OINTMENT
1 : to smear or rub with oil or an oily substance
2 a : to apply oil to as a sacred rite especially for consecration b : to choose by or as if by divine election; also : to designate as if by a ritual anointment

Probably – This word is so often butchered its spawn could almost be put in the new word category. We’ve heard “prolly” and more often “probly”, as in, the problem is probly that your parents didn’t read with you when you were young. Three syllables people, one, two, three, prob-bub-lee.

Well – I can’t be certain that anyone acktahlee uses the word anymore, since I started this list I’ve noticed its almost complete extinction. “Well”, a versatile word, pronounced only one way. Example: “The water well on my property produces 100 gallons a day.” Mostly, this is used as a conjunction of thought, such as “well, I’m not sure your assumption is correct.” Unfortunately, this word has been debased and as far as I can tell, is pronounced “whull” 99.9% of the time now. Listen, you will hear it everywhere.

We’re – See previous, what was once “wee-ur” is now simply “wur”.

For – More likely to be attributed to regional accent, but also produced via laziness, “for” becomes “fer” much, much too often.

Your/You’re – As with the previous three, the debauchery of the simple word continues. This gets shortened to the very aristocratic “yur”. “Yur intellect is astounding and leaves me completely obsoleted (see previous post of definition of obsoleted).”

The Multi-Slur – The multi-slur is when you take a bunch of words, and, being too lazy or uneducated to actually speak the English language, you just slur them altogether. Most prevalent in this category are phrases starting with the word “all”. Allzyaneed, Allzyagot, Allzweiz, Allzyouiz. Why people can’t simply say “All you need” instead of “allzyaneed” is beyond me.

Guh – Why just pronounce a “g” when you can make a “guh” sound and add an entire syllable to a word?! Beinguh, seeinguh, tryinguh, the list is endless, irksome to no end.

Ex-specially – Especially is a word, a word that does not have a “x” in it, anywhere, in any form. Nor is “ex-specially” something that used to be special.

Youst - Used is a common word. I used to own a big car, I used to know Spanish, I used to be able to pronounce used (yuzd) correctly but now just say youst instead because everyone else is and I like to be the same, like I youst to be.

Wurds that just R-unt

I like words, language, slang, high-falutin, all of it. I've been told I have a proclivity towards the verbose.

A few years ago I started writing down peculiar things people around me were saying. The list has grown and I've asked a few close friends and family to contribute. Unfortunately, most of the time, they say something like "I heard this great word!" and tell me about it, but it never gets written down. Hence this Blog, that will immortalize these mangled verbal creations for all time. Let us begin with words that aren't really words, and hence the title of this blog.

Reprieval [Reprieve - Pronunciation: ri-'prEv - Function: transitive verb]

Simply not a word, you can get or need a reprieve from something, but not a reprieval.

Reprieve: 1 : to delay the punishment of (as a condemned prisoner) 2 : to give relief or deliverance to for a time.

Epicity [Epicenter – Pronunciation: 'e-pi-"sen-t&r Function: noun ]

Derived from epicenter, meaning the center of something, not an actual word.

Epicenter: 1 : the part of the earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake.

Irregardless [Regardless – Pronunciation: ri-'gärd-l&s Function: adjective]

Regardless, often confused with “irregardless”, which, “irregardless” of what people think, is not a word.

Brustleing (bus'el)--v.i. [NOT]: 1. A windy day. i.e. "It's brustleing outside."

Aka: Blustery or Blustering.--v.i. 1. To blow gustily and with violence and noise, as the wind.

Merlino Wool (mur'lin'o) (wool)--n. 1. [NOT]: Wool produced by a famous wizard. Aka: Merino Wool--n. Wool spun from the sheep from a specific region of Italy.

Tsunami Oranges (tsoo`na'me) (or`inj)--n. [NOT]: 1. Oranges found in the aftermath of an extensive and often very destructive ocean wave caused by a sub-marine earthquake. Aka: Satsuma Oranges--n. 1. Oranges from a former province of southern Kyushu Island, Japan.

Acrost – as in, that dog just ran “acrost” the street. This ones just pure lazinesss.

Strategery – As opposed to strategy

Newkyalur – A small village in Iceland, not a form of atomic energy

Incomplete Amazement – In lieu of being “in complete amazement” one can always find themselves experiencing “incomplete amazement” where your almost amazed, but not completely

Underlining [Underline - Pronunciation: '&n-d&r-"lIn, "&n-d&r-'Function: transitive verb]

Usage: The underlining cause of the degration of words is laziness. You can line something, you can underline something, but there is no such thing as underlining. Often used with the following terms [the underlining (cause, issue, affect, effect, etc.)] Although there can be underlining, say in a book.

Overlying [Overlie - Pronunciation: -'lI Function: transitive verb]
Usage: The overlying cause of nonsensical words is a disability of vocabulary. See previous.


1 : to lie over or upon
2 : to cause the death of by lying upon

Obsoleted – Obsolete is both present and past tense, there is no obsoleted.

Usage: That software was completely obsoleted by the latest release. Pronunciation: "äb-s&-'lEt, 'äb-s&-"
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin obsoletus, from past participle of obsolescere to grow old, become disused, perhaps from ob- toward + solEre to be accustomed
1 a : no longer in use or no longer useful obsolete word> b : of a kind or style no longer current : OLD-FASHIONED obsolete technology>

Scopacetic – slang, scope + copacetic, indicating that the scope (of work) is copacetic (satisfactory or acceptable)

Variant(s): also co·pa·set·ic or co·pe·set·ic /"kO-p&-'se-tik/
Function: adjective
Etymology: origin unknown
: very satisfactory

Indepthly – You can talk about something in-depth, but you can’t discuss something “more indepthly”, unless perhaps, the discussion is about the English language, and you’re clearly out of your depth.

It’s a Numetter – A numetter (number + letter) is when people say something like “As you can see, Number “A” is the most important” when referring to a list. People will also say “Letter 1”. The letter “A” is not a number! And the number 1 is not a letter! Another thing I despise, which is related, is when people start off a discourse with “First of all…………” and then go to “Secondly…”. Or “Firstly……….” Then switch to “Second of all.” Dah!

Dark Matter – Instead of gray matter. Referring to one’s brain, occasionally, when one’s gray matter becomes, shall we say, more clouded by the worries of this age, one might accidentally refer to it as dark matter.

Escalade – Escalade is a car, a big ugly gas guzzling behemoth. The problem is that kids are now using this word in lieu of escalate, and don’t even know it. They might say something like “the argument escaladed until we were both yelling”. This has been documented in freshmen college writing assignments, disturbing.